I majored in Communications and Journalism. If you follow me enough, you will absolutely catch me using my fingers to add. Not always, but it happens… so I can’t fully deny it. Usually it depends on the level of caffeine I have consumed that day. We all have heard it before, “I can’t function before I have my morning coffee.” That is NOT what I am referring to at all. Caffeine has the complete opposite effect on me. “Crazy” is the word that describes the mind of a Caffeinated Amanda best. I cannot function like a normal human being, let alone do math in my head.
So it is only natural that math is not my forte. Typically, when I see a math formula… I run.
However, I have been trying to stay current with World News. There are a number of reasons for my recent current events obsession.
To name a few:
One: I am living in Italy and want to know what is going on in the rest of the world outside of my Italian fantasy.
Two: The journalism side of me kicks in every once and a while.
Three: I am traveling to Istanbul this week and my mother is FREAKING OUT because of the all the current issues and conflict in the Middle East. I find that it is easier to handle the nagging when I actually have current information to back up and support my decision to travel there.
I found this when I was reading up today: http://ireport.cnn.com/topics/855093?hpt=wo_t2
CNN is partnering with 10x10 (more math). 10x10 is a global action campaign to promote girls education and to help spread the message that educating girls in developing nations can change the world. Mainly, the article was promoting the Photo campaign that 10x10 is starting to increase awareness.
“Girls + Education= _______________.” They are asking for people to send in photos of themselves holding the formula and filing in the blank. This is the first time that I haven't winced at a mathematical formula. The endless possibilities that can come from this #basicmath is mind-boggling. This is what I live for.
However, the photo campaign is kicking off/promoting their film that will air in Spring 2013: “Girl Rising.”
Please watch the Film Teaser below:
If you feel nothing after watching this teaser, I think it is safe to say that you have no soul.
Struggle is universal. Perseverance can be instilled in the youth (worldwide) by example. “Th[is] film reveals extraordinary stories from around the globe, of revolutionaries fighting to overcome impossible odds on the road to realizing their dreams of education.”
The 10x10 Blog is beyond inspirational. If you need a little inspiration, click: http://10x10act.org/blog/
There is a saying in Ghana: “If you educate a man, you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”
Hats off to all my Strong Women, Strong Girls ladies. The world is starting to catch on to what we have been preaching. Join the movement. Girl Power.